Source code for

from import WorkFlowData
from master import models
from common.utils import *

[docs]class WorkFlowDataImage(WorkFlowData) : """ 1. Definition handle preview and settings for image data 2. Tables NN_WF_NODE_INFO (NODE_CONFIG_DATA : Json Field) """
[docs] def get_preview_data(self): """ :param type: :param conn: :return: """ return None
[docs] def set_preview_data(self): """ :param type: :param conn: :return: """ return None
[docs] def get_data(self): """ :param type: :param conn: :return: """ return None
[docs] def put_step_source_ori(self, node_id, config_data): """ :param type: :param conn: :return: """ try: obj = models.NN_WF_NODE_INFO.objects.get(nn_wf_node_id=node_id) setattr(obj, 'node_config_data', config_data) return config_data except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) return None
[docs] def get_step_source(self, node_id): """ getter for source step :return:obj(json) to make view """ try: obj = models.NN_WF_NODE_INFO.objects.get(nn_wf_node_id=node_id) config_data = getattr(obj, 'node_config_data') except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) return config_data
[docs] def put_step_source(self, nnid, wfver, node, config_data): """ putter for source step :param obj: config data from view :return:boolean """ try: obj = models.NN_WF_NODE_INFO.objects.get(wf_state_id=str(nnid) + "_" + str(wfver), nn_wf_node_name=node) # old_config_data = getattr(obj, 'node_config_data') # if('labels' in old_config_data) : # config_data["labels"] = old_config_data["labels"] config_data["source_path"] = get_source_path(nnid, wfver, node) config_data["store_path"] = get_store_path(nnid, wfver, node) setattr(obj, 'node_config_data', config_data) return config_data except Exception as e: raise Exception(e)
[docs] def get_data_node_info(self, nnid, wfver, submenu_id): """ getter for source step :return:obj(json) to make view """ try: obj = models.NN_WF_NODE_INFO.objects.filter(wf_state_id_id=str(nnid) + "_" + str(wfver), wf_task_submenu_id_id=submenu_id) return_data = {} i = 0 for config in obj: return_data_sub = {} return_data_sub['nn_wf_node_id'] = getattr(config, 'nn_wf_node_id') return_data_sub['nn_wf_node_name'] = getattr(config, 'nn_wf_node_name') return_data_sub['nn_wf_node_desc'] = getattr(config, 'nn_wf_node_desc') return_data["data"+str(i)] = return_data_sub i += 1 except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) return return_data
[docs] def get_step_preprocess(self): """ getter for preprocess :return:obj(json) to make view """ return None
[docs] def put_step_preprocess(self, obj): """ putter for preprocess :param obj: config data from view :return:boolean """ return None
[docs] def get_step_store(self): """ getter for store :return:obj(json) to make view """ return None
[docs] def put_step_store(self, obj): """ putter for store :param obj: config data from view :return:boolean """ return None
def _get_lable_list(self): """ :return: """ return [] def _get_preview_urls(self): """ :return: """ return [] def _insert_preview_images(self): """ :return: """ return None def _set_preivew_paths(self, preview_path_list): """ :param preview_path_list: :return: """ return None def _set_lable_list(self, lable_list): """ :param lable_list: :return: """ return None