Source code for cluster.preprocess.pre_node_feed_fr2wdnn

from cluster.preprocess.pre_node_feed import PreNodeFeed
import tensorflow as tf
import pandas as pd
from master.workflow.dataconf.workflow_dataconf_frame import WorkflowDataConfFrame as wf_data_conf
from import WorkFlowDataFrame as wf_data_frame
from common import utils
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
import logging

[docs]class PreNodeFeedFr2Wdnn(PreNodeFeed): """ """ # @property # def input_paths(self): # return self.input_paths # @input_paths.setter # def input_paths(self, value): # self.input_paths = value
[docs] def set_for_predict(self, nnid=None): self.pointer = 0 if nnid != None: self._init_node_parm(nnid)
[docs] def run(self, conf_data): """ override init class """ #전 노드중 dataconf를 찾아 온다 wdnn만 가능 #전체 노드중 data_conf를 넣어서 만든다. 1개 밖에 없음 try: data_conf_node_name = self.node_name.split('_')[0] + "_" + self.node_name.split('_')[1] +"_dataconf_node" self._init_node_parm(data_conf_node_name) super(PreNodeFeedFr2Wdnn, self).run(conf_data) #input_features = self.create_feature_columns() #testself.node_name.split('_')[1] self.multi_queue_and_h5_print(self.input_paths[0]) except Exception as e: logging.error("fidder error {0}".format(e)) raise e
def _convert_data_format(self, obj, index): pass
[docs] def create_feature_columns(self, dataconf = None): """ Get feature columns for tfrecord reader TFRecord에서 feature를 추출 """ _cell_feature = self.cell_feature _extend_cell_feature = self.extend_cell_feature _label = self.label _label_calues = self.label_values CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS, CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS = self.make_continuous_category_list(_cell_feature) CALCULATED_CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS, CALCULATED_CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS = self.add_none_keys_cate_conti_list(CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS,CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS ) # cate를 가지고 formon을 돌리는데 카테로 만들고 extend에 key 있으면 key도 추가 하고 #conti도 for문 돌리고 #마지막에 set을 어떻게 할지도 중요하고 category_tensor = dict() continuous_tensor = dict() for cate_item in CALCULATED_CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS: category_tensor[cate_item] = tf.contrib.layers.sparse_column_with_hash_bucket(cate_item, hash_bucket_size=1000) for conti_item in CALCULATED_CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS: continuous_tensor[conti_item] = tf.contrib.layers.real_valued_column(conti_item, dtype=tf.float32) #NONE은 다 처리 되었고 #KEY를 처리 할려면 for key_item, value in _extend_cell_feature.items(): if value.get("column_type") == "CATEGORICAL_KEY": category_tensor[key_item] = tf.contrib.layers.sparse_column_with_keys(column_name=key_item, keys=value.get("keys")) category_tensor.update(continuous_tensor) modi_set = {_v for _v in category_tensor.values()} label_modi = tf.contrib.layers.real_valued_column("label", dtype=tf.int64) modi_set.add(label_modi) # # gender = tf.contrib.layers.sparse_column_with_keys( # column_name="sex", keys=["female", "male"]) # race = tf.contrib.layers.sparse_column_with_keys( # column_name="race", keys=[ # "Amer-Indian-Eskimo", # "Asian-Pac-Islander", # "Black", # "Other", # "White" # ]) # # # # education = tf.contrib.layers.sparse_column_with_hash_bucket( # "education", hash_bucket_size=1000) # marital_status = tf.contrib.layers.sparse_column_with_hash_bucket( # "marital_status", hash_bucket_size=100) # relationship = tf.contrib.layers.sparse_column_with_hash_bucket( # "relationship", hash_bucket_size=100) # workclass = tf.contrib.layers.sparse_column_with_hash_bucket( # "workclass", hash_bucket_size=100) # occupation = tf.contrib.layers.sparse_column_with_hash_bucket( # "occupation", hash_bucket_size=1000) # native_country = tf.contrib.layers.sparse_column_with_hash_bucket( # "native_country", hash_bucket_size=1000) # # # Continuous base columns. # age = tf.contrib.layers.real_valued_column("age", dtype=tf.int64) # education_num = tf.contrib.layers.real_valued_column("education_num", dtype=tf.int64) # capital_gain = tf.contrib.layers.real_valued_column("capital_gain", dtype=tf.int64) # capital_loss = tf.contrib.layers.real_valued_column("capital_loss", dtype=tf.int64) # hours_per_week = tf.contrib.layers.real_valued_column("hours_per_week", dtype=tf.int64) # # label = tf.contrib.layers.real_valued_column("label", dtype=tf.int64) # # ori_set = set([ # workclass, # education, # marital_status, # occupation, # relationship, # race, # gender, # native_country, # age, # education_num, # capital_gain, # capital_loss, # hours_per_week, # label, # ]) return modi_set #ori_set
[docs] def input_fn(self, mode, data_file, batch_size, dataconf = None): try: input_features = self.create_feature_columns() features = tf.contrib.layers.create_feature_spec_for_parsing(input_features) feature_map = file_pattern=[data_file], #file_pattern=data_file, batch_size=batch_size, features=features, queue_capacity = 20000, name="read_batch_features_{}".format(mode)) target = feature_map.pop("label") #num_epoch = print(str(batch_size)) except Exception as e: raise e return feature_map, target
[docs] def input_fn2(self, mode, data_file, df, dataconf): """Wide & Deep Network input tensor maker V1.0 16.11.04 Initial :param df : dataframe from hbase :param df, nnid :return: tensor sparse, constraint """ try: #self.df_validation(df, dataconf) # remove NaN elements _label = self.label _label_calues = self.label_values #df = df.dropna(how='any', axis=0) df_test = df.dropna(how='any', axis=0) ##Make List for Continuous, Categorical Columns CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS = [] CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS = [] ##Get datadesc Continuous and Categorical infomation from Postgres nninfo # json_string = self.get_json_by_nnid(nnid) # DATACONF # json_object = json_string le = LabelEncoder() #Todo 트레이닝 하기 위해서 바꿔야함 j_feature = dataconf['cell_feature'] for cn, c_value in j_feature.items(): if c_value["column_type"] == "CATEGORICAL": CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS.append(cn) elif c_value["column_type"] == "CONTINUOUS": CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS.append(cn) elif c_value["column_type"] == "CATEGORICAL_KEY": CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS.append(cn) # {"data_conf": {"label": {"income_bracket": "LABEL"}, "cross_cell": {"col1": ["occupation", "education"], "col2": ["native_country", "occupation"]}, "cell_feature": {"age": {"column_type": "CONTINUOUS"}, "race": {"column_type": "CATEGORICAL"}, "gender": {"keys": ["female", "male"], "column_type": "CATEGORICAL_KEY"}, "education": {"column_type": "CATEGORICAL"}, "workclass": {"column_type": "CATEGORICAL"}, "occupation": {"column_type": "CATEGORICAL"}, "capital_gain": {"column_type": "CONTINUOUS"}, "capital_loss": {"column_type": "CONTINUOUS"}, "relationship": {"column_type": "CATEGORICAL"}, "education_num": {"column_type": "CONTINUOUS"}, "hours_per_week": {"column_type": "CONTINUOUS"}, "marital_status": {"column_type": "CATEGORICAL"}, "native_country": {"column_type": "CATEGORICAL"}}, "Transformations": {"col1": {"boundaries": [18, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65], "column_name": "age"}}}} # Check Continuous Column is exsist? if len(CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS) > 0: # print(CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS) #null 값 처리를 위해서 fillna사용 continuous_cols = {k: tf.constant(df[k].fillna(0).values) for k in CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS} #continuous_cols = {k: tf.float32(df[k].fillna(0.).values) for k in CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS} # Check Categorical Column is exsist? if len(CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS) > 0: for k in CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS: df[k] = df[k].astype('str') categorical_cols = {k: tf.SparseTensor( indices=[[i, 0] for i in range(df[k].size)], values=df[k].fillna('').replace(['nan','Nan'],'').values, dense_shape=[df[k].size, 1]) for k in CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS} # Merges the two dictionaries into one. feature_cols = {} if (len(CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS) > 0): feature_cols.update(continuous_cols) if len(CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS) > 0: feature_cols.update(categorical_cols) feature_cols.pop(_label) # dataconf #LABEL_COLUMN = 'label' #df[LABEL_COLUMN] = (df['income_bracket'].apply(lambda x: '>50K' in x)).astype(int) if self.label_type == "CONTINUOUS": df["label"] = df[_label].astype(int) else: #trans = le.transform([value])[0] # 무조껀 0번째임 #example.features.feature['label'].int64_list.value.extend([int(trans)]) lable_encoder_func = lambda x: le.transform([x]) df["label"] = df[_label].map(lable_encoder_func).astype(int) #label_encode = le.transform(label_list) label = tf.constant(df["label"].values) return feature_cols, label except Exception as e: print("Error Message : {0} cause by {1} ".format(e), e.__traceback__.tb_lineno) raise Exception(e)
def _convert_data_format(self, file_path, index): """ just pass hdf5 file chunk :param file_path: :param index: :return: """ # try: # h5file = h5py.File(file_path, mode='r') # raw_data = h5file['rawdata'] # return raw_data[index.start : index.stop] # except Exception as e: # raise Exception(e) # finally: # h5file.close() # type4 partial read #Todo 할때마다 계속 파일을 읽는게 올바른 것인가? try: store = pd.HDFStore(file_path) nrows = store.get_storer('table1').nrows chunksize = 100 #for i in range(nrows // chunksize + 1): chunk ='table1', start=index.start, stop=index.stop) except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) finally: store.close() return chunk
[docs] def data_size(self): try: store = pd.HDFStore(self.input_paths[self.pointer]) return store.get_storer('table1').nrows except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) finally: store.close()
[docs] def make_continuous_category_list(self,cell_feature ): """ Example 을 위한 Continuous 랑 Categorical을 구분하기 위한 list """ CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS = list() CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS = list() for type_columne, type_value in cell_feature.items(): if type_value["column_type"] == 'CONTINUOUS': CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS.append(type_columne) else: CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS.append(type_columne) return CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS, CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS
[docs] def add_none_keys_cate_conti_list(self,conti_list, cate_list ): """ Example 을 위한 Continuous 랑 Categorical을 구분하기 위한 list """ CALCULATED_CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS = list() CALCULATED_CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS = list() # , "extend_cell_feature": # { # "sex": {"keys": ["female", "male"], "column_type": "CATEGORICAL_KEY"} # , "race": {"column_type": "NONE"} # , "marital_status": {"column_type": "NONE"} # } _extend_cell_feature = self.extend_cell_feature _extend_cell_feature_list = list() _label = self.label for _k, _v in _extend_cell_feature.items(): if _v.get("column_type") == "CATEGORICAL_KEY": _extend_cell_feature_list.append(_k) #_extend_cell_feature_list = list(_extend_cell_feature.keys()) _extend_cell_feature_list.append(_label) label_extend_list = list(_extend_cell_feature_list) for _,_key in enumerate(label_extend_list): if _key in conti_list: conti_list.remove(_key) if _key in cate_list: cate_list.remove(_key) # for type_columne, type_value in cell_feature.items(): # if type_value["column_type"] == 'CONTINUOUS': # CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS.append(type_columne) # else: # CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS.append(type_columne) return conti_list, cate_list
[docs] def multi_queue_and_h5_print(self, file_name): #filename = 'adult_data.tfrecords' # Queue 는 이런식으로 설정 여기서는 쓰지 않음 #filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer( # [filename], num_epochs=1) # 꼭 local variable initial 해야함 try: if self.multi_node_flag == True: init_op = tf.local_variables_initializer() # Multi Thread로 들고옴 feature_map, target = self.input_fn(tf.contrib.learn.ModeKeys.EVAL, file_name, 128) with tf.Session() as sess: # Start populating the filename queue. coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(coord=coord) tfrecord_list_row = list() # 출력을 위한 List print_column = True for i in range(3): # Multi Thread에서 넣을것을 Session으로 실행 example, label =[feature_map, target]) _row = "" if print_column == True: # Header를 위한 Column Key 설정 첫줄만 tfrecord_list_key = [col for col in example.keys()] tfrecord_list_key.append('label') print_column = False tfrecord_list_row.append(tfrecord_list_key) for i in range(len(example[list(example.keys())[0]])): # Row를 들고 오기 뭔가 지저분함 tfrecord_list_col = list() for _k in example.keys(): if str(type(example[_k])).find('Sparse') > -1: # Sparse는 Bytes로 나와서 Bytes를 String 으로 처리 tfrecord_list_col.append(str(example[_k].values[i].decode())) else: # numpy도 ndarray로 나와서 [0]을 붙여 정리함 tfrecord_list_col.append(str(example[_k][i][0])) tfrecord_list_col.append(str(label[i][0])) columns_value = tfrecord_list_col tfrecord_list_row.append(columns_value) # 이쁘게 출력하기 위해 Print 함수 설정 for item in tfrecord_list_row: print(str(item[0:])[1:-1]) coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads) else: # Todo 할때마다 계속 파일을 읽는게 올바른 것인가? try: store = pd.HDFStore(file_name) nrows = store.get_storer('table1').nrows chunksize = 100 # for i in range(nrows // chunksize + 1): chunk ='table1') except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) finally: store.close() except Exception as e: logging.error("feed just show data {0}".format(e))
def _init_node_parm(self, key): """ Init parameter from workflow_data_frame :return: """ try : _wf_data_conf = wf_data_conf(key) self.label = _wf_data_conf.label self.cell_feature= _wf_data_conf.cell_feature self.cross_cell = _wf_data_conf.cross_cell self.extend_cell_feature = _wf_data_conf.extend_cell_feature self.label_values = _wf_data_conf.label_values self.label_type = _wf_data_conf.label_type if hasattr(self, "node_name"): #bugfix node_name이 없는 경우 에러 안나게 처리 if 'test' in self.__dict__.get("node_name"): _wf_data_conf = wf_data_frame(key.split('_')[0] + '_' + key.split('_')[1] + '_' + 'evaldata') self.multi_node_flag = _wf_data_conf.multi_node_flag else : _wf_data_conf = wf_data_frame(key.split('_')[0] + '_' + key.split('_')[1] + '_' + 'data_node') self.multi_node_flag = _wf_data_conf.multi_node_flag except Exception as e : raise Exception ("WorkFlowDataFrame parms are not set " + str(e))