Source code for

from blaze.interactive import data

from import DataNode
import os
from import WorkFlowDataFrame
from time import gmtime, strftime
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow as tf
import json
from master.workflow.dataconf.workflow_dataconf_frame import WorkflowDataConfFrame as wf_data_conf
from common import utils
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
import logging
from common.utils import *
import shutil
from import WorkFlowDataFrame as wf_data_frame
from sklearn import preprocessing

[docs]class DataNodeFrame(DataNode): """ DataNode Configuration NULL처리가 중요한데 Category "" Continuous 0.0 """
[docs] def run(self, conf_data): """ Run Data Node 한번에 HDF5랑 TFRECORD를 만든다. :param data_path: :return:dataframe """ self.cls_list = conf_data['cls_pool'] self._init_node_parm(conf_data['node_id']) if(self.data_src_type == 'local' and self.type == "csv") : self.src_local_handler(conf_data) if (self.data_src_type == 'rdb'): raise Exception ("on development now") if (self.data_src_type == 's3'): raise Exception("on development now") if (self.data_src_type == 'hbase'): raise Exception("on development now")
[docs] def get_eval_node_file_list(self, conf_data): """ Eval Data Node 찾고, 경로를 찾아서 CSV를 읽음 self.data_conf에 cell_feature에 넣음 Args: params: * _conf_data : nnid의 wf정보 Returns: None """ eval_data_node = [_i for _i, _k in conf_data.get('cls_pool').items() if 'evaldata' in _i] data_conf_node_id = [_i for _i, _k in conf_data.get('cls_pool').items() if 'dataconf' in _i] eval_data_cls = wf_data_frame(eval_data_node[0]) eval_source_path = eval_data_cls.source_path fp_list = utils.get_filepaths(eval_source_path, file_type='csv') for file_path in fp_list: df_csv_read = self.load_csv_by_pandas(file_path) self.data_conf = self.make_column_types(df_csv_read, eval_data_node[0], data_conf_node_id[0]) # make columns type of csv
[docs] def check_eval_node_for_wdnn(self, _conf_data): """ Eval Data의 Category 데이터를 가져오기 위해서 필요 WDNN이면 data_conf_node_id를 반환 Args: params: * _conf_data : nnid의 wf정보 Returns: data_conf_node_id DataConf의 ID반환 """ data_conf_node_id = '' for _i, _k in self.cls_list.items(): if 'dataconf' in _i: #wdnn만 Dataconf를 가 data_conf_node_id = _i if 'data_node' not in _conf_data['node_id']: # eval 카테고리 데이터를 가져 오기 위해서 필요 Evalnode가 실행할때는 필요 없음 self.get_eval_node_file_list(_conf_data) return data_conf_node_id
[docs] def make_label_values(self, _data_dfconf_list, _df_csv_read): """ label의 Unique Value를 DataConf에 넣어줌 Args: params: * _data_dfconf_list : nnid의 wf정보 * _df_csv_read : Dataframe(train, eval) Returns: _label : label 항목 값 _labe_type : label type """ _key = _data_dfconf_list _nnid = _key.split('_')[0] _ver = _key.split('_')[1] _node = 'dataconf_node' _wf_data_conf = wf_data_conf(_key) if hasattr(_wf_data_conf, 'label') == True: _label = _wf_data_conf.label _labe_type = _wf_data_conf.label_type origin_labels_list = _wf_data_conf.label_values if hasattr(_wf_data_conf, 'label_values') else list() # 처음 입려할때 라벨벨류가 없으면 빈 리스트 넘김 compare_labels_list = self.set_dataconf_for_labels(_df_csv_read, _label) self.combined_label_list = utils.get_combine_label_list(origin_labels_list, compare_labels_list) # 리스트를 합친다음 DB에 업데이트 한다. _data_conf = dict() _data_conf['label_values'] = self.combined_label_list if _labe_type == 'CONTINUOUS': _data_conf['label_values'] = list() _wf_data_conf.put_step_source(_nnid, _ver, _node, _data_conf) return _label, _labe_type
[docs] def make_preprocessing_pandas(self, _df_csv_read_ori, _preprocessing_type , _label): """ SKLearn을 사용해서 Pandas를 Proprocessing label은 Preprocessing 하면 안됨 Args: params: * _preprocessing_type: ['scale', 'minmax_scale', 'robust_scale', 'normalize', 'maxabs_scale'] * _df_csv_read_ori : pandas dataframe * _label Returns: Preprocessing DataFrame """ if _preprocessing_type == None or _preprocessing_type == 'null':"No Preprocessing") result_df = _df_csv_read_ori else :"Preprocessing type : {0}".format(_preprocessing_type)) numerics = ['int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'float16', 'float32', 'float64'] for i, v in _df_csv_read_ori.dtypes.iteritems(): if v in numerics: if i not in _label: #preprocessing_types = ['scale', 'minmax_scale', 'robust_scale', 'normalize', 'maxabs_scale'] #_preprocessing_type = ['maxabs_scale'] if 'scale' in _preprocessing_type: _df_csv_read_ori[i] = preprocessing.scale(_df_csv_read_ori[i].fillna(0.0)) if 'minmax_scale' in _preprocessing_type: _df_csv_read_ori[i] = preprocessing.minmax_scale(_df_csv_read_ori[i].fillna(0.0)) if 'robust_scale' in _preprocessing_type: _df_csv_read_ori[i] = preprocessing.robust_scale(_df_csv_read_ori[i].fillna(0.0)) if 'normalize' in _preprocessing_type: _df_csv_read_ori[i] = preprocessing.normalize(_df_csv_read_ori[i].fillna(0.0)) if 'maxabs_scale' in _preprocessing_type: _df_csv_read_ori[i] = preprocessing.maxabs_scale(_df_csv_read_ori[i].fillna(0.0)) result_df = _df_csv_read_ori return result_df
[docs] def make_drop_duplicate(self, _df_csv_read_ori, _drop_duplicate , _label): """ Label을 제외한 나머지 값중에 중복이 있으면 Row 전체를 제거한다. Args: params: * _preprocessing_type: ['scale', 'minmax_scale', 'robust_scale', 'normalize', 'maxabs_scale'] * _df_csv_read_ori : pandas dataframe * _label Returns: Preprocessing Dataframe """ if _drop_duplicate == None or _drop_duplicate == 'null' or _drop_duplicate == False:"No Duplicate") result_df = _df_csv_read_ori else : cell_features = _df_csv_read_ori.columns.tolist() cell_features.remove(_label) result_df = _df_csv_read_ori.drop_duplicates(cell_features, keep="first")"duplicated row delete {0}".format(len(_df_csv_read_ori.index)-len(result_df.index))) temp_duplicate_filename = strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S", gmtime()) + "_dup.csvbk" result_df.to_csv(self.data_src_path + "/backup/" + temp_duplicate_filename) return result_df
[docs] def src_local_handler(self, conf_data): """ Converting csv to h5 and Tf Record Data Node for Data_frame 1) Wdnn인 경우 Pandas를 파싱하면서 Categorical 인지 Continuous인지 구별하여 DataConf에 입력(eval data할때는 안함. DataNode 기준 ) Category일경우 Unique값을 Dataconf에 입력 Label type이 Categorical이면 Label의 Unique값을 DataConf입력 _preprocess_type에 따라 Pandas 전처리 2) _multi_node_flag 가 True일 경우 TfRecord까지 생성 3) Wdnn이 아닌경우 H5만 생성 Args: params: * conf_data : nn_info Returns: None Raises: """ try:"Data node starting : {0}".format(conf_data['node_id'])) fp_list = utils.get_filepaths(self.data_src_path, file_type='csv') _multi_node_flag = self.multi_node_flag _preprocess_type = self.data_preprocess_type #_preprocess_type = "maxabs_scale" _drop_duplicate = self.drop_duplicate dir = self.data_src_path + "/backup" # backup 디렉토리 만들고 if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) try: data_conf_node_id = self.check_eval_node_for_wdnn(conf_data) data_dfconf_list = data_conf_node_id for file_path in fp_list: if len(data_dfconf_list) == 0: #WDNN이 아닌것 df_csv_read = self.load_csv_by_pandas(file_path) self.create_hdf5(self.data_store_path, df_csv_read) if len(data_dfconf_list) > 0: #WDNN인것 df_csv_read = self.load_csv_by_pandas(file_path) if 'dataconf' in data_dfconf_list: #이미 여기서 Dataconf인지 판단 self.data_conf = self.make_column_types(df_csv_read, conf_data['node_id'], data_conf_node_id) # make columns type of csv # eval 것도 같이 가져와서 unique value를 구해야함 # Todo 만약 eval과 train의 데이터 타입이 틀리면 Category로 해야하는 로직이 필요함 _label,_labe_type = self.make_label_values(data_dfconf_list, df_csv_read) # WDNN인 경우 Label Values를 Dataconf에 넣음 drop_dup_df_csv_read = self.make_drop_duplicate(df_csv_read, _drop_duplicate,_label) _pre_df_csv_read = self.make_preprocessing_pandas(drop_dup_df_csv_read, _preprocess_type,_label ) temp_preprocess_filename = strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S", gmtime()) + "_pre.csvbk" _pre_df_csv_read.to_csv(self.data_src_path + "/backup/" + temp_preprocess_filename) self.create_hdf5(self.data_store_path, _pre_df_csv_read) if _multi_node_flag == True: skip_header = False # Todo Have to remove if production self.save_tfrecord(file_path, self.data_store_path, skip_header, _pre_df_csv_read,_label, _labe_type) file_name_bk = strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S", gmtime()) + ".csvbk" shutil.copy(file_path,self.data_src_path+"/backup/"+file_name_bk ) os.remove(file_path) #승우씨것 except Exception as e: logging.error("Datanode making h5 or tfrecord error".format(e)) raise Exception(e)"Data node end : {0}".format(conf_data['node_id'])) return None except Exception as e: raise Exception(e)
[docs] def multi_load_data(self, node_id, parm = 'all'): pass
[docs] def preprocess_data(self, input_data): """ :param input_data: :return: """ if(self.data_preprocess_type == 'mecab'): for key in input_data.keys() : input_data[key] = self._mecab_parse(input_data[key]) return input_data
[docs] def save_tfrecord(self, csv_data_file, store_path, skip_header, df_csv_read, label, label_type): """ Creates a TFRecords file for the given input data and example transofmration function """ filename = strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S", gmtime()) output_file = store_path +"/"+ filename + ".tfrecords" self.create_tfrecords_file( output_file, skip_header, df_csv_read, label,label_type)
[docs] def create_tfrecords_file(self, output_file, skip_header, df_csv_read, label,label_type): """ Creates a TFRecords file for the given input data and example transofmration function """ try: writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_file)"Creating TFRecords file at", output_file, "...") CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS, CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS = self.make_continuous_category_list(self.data_conf["cell_feature"]) print_row_count = 10000 csv_dataframe = df_csv_read for count, row in csv_dataframe.iterrows(): x = self.create_example_pandas(row, CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS, CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS, label,label_type) if (count % print_row_count == 0):"###### TFRecording row count : {0}".format(count)) writer.write(x.SerializeToString()) writer.close() print("Wrote to", output_file) except Exception as e: raise e
[docs] def make_continuous_category_list(self,cell_feature ): """ Example 을 위한 Continuous 랑 Categorical을 구분하기 위한 list """ CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS = list() CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS = list() for type_columne, type_value in cell_feature.items(): if type_value["column_type"] == 'CONTINUOUS': CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS.append(type_columne) else: CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS.append(type_columne) return CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS, CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS
[docs] def create_example_pandas(self, row, CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS, CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS, label, label_type): """ Converting tfrecord example from pandas Pandas Dataframe을 tfrecord로 변경하는 함수(WDNN용) Args: params: * row : Dataframe row * CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS * CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS * label * label_type Returns: tfrecord example Raises: """ try: example = tf.train.Example() _CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS = CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS[:] _CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS = CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS[:] try: if label in _CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS: _CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS.remove(label) if label in _CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS: _CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS.remove(label) except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) #TODO: extende cell feature를 여기서 체크할 필요가 있을듯 함 # tfrecord는 여기서 Label을 변경한다. 나중에 꺼낼때 답이 없음 Tensor 객체로 추출되기 때문에 그러나 H5는 feeder에서 변환해주자 le = LabelEncoder() for col, value in row.items(): if col in _CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS: if isnan(value): value = "" example.features.feature[col].bytes_list.value.extend([str.encode(value)]) elif col in _CONTINUOUS_COLUMNS: if isnan(value): value = 0.0 example.features.feature[col].float_list.value.extend([float(value)]) if col == label: #Todo Category? Continuous? if label_type == "CONTINUOUS": example.features.feature['label'].int64_list.value.extend([int(value)]) else: trans = le.transform([value])[0] # 무조껀 0번째임 example.features.feature['label'].int64_list.value.extend([int(trans)]) return example except Exception as e: logging.error("make tfrecord column {0} value {0}".format(col,value)) logging.error("make tfrecord rows {0}".format(row)) raise Exception(e)
[docs] def create_hdf5(self, data_path, dataframe): """ Create hdf5 :param data_path: :return:dataframe """ file_name = strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S", gmtime()) + ".h5" output_path = os.path.join(data_path, file_name) hdf = pd.HDFStore(output_path) hdf.put('table1', dataframe, format='table', data_columns=True, encoding='UTF-8') hdf.close()
[docs] def load_data(self, node_id = "", parm = 'all'): """ load train data :param node_id: :param parm: :return: """ try: _multi_node_flag = self.multi_node_flag if _multi_node_flag == True: file_path = utils.get_filepaths(self.data_store_path, 'tfrecords') else: file_path = utils.get_filepaths(self.data_store_path, 'h5') return file_path except Exception as e: raise Exception(e)
[docs] def load_csv_by_pandas(self, data_path): """ read csv :param data_path: :return:data_path """ try : df_csv_read = pd.read_csv(tf.gfile.Open(data_path), skipinitialspace=True, engine="python", encoding='utf-8-sig') return df_csv_read except Exception as e : raise Exception (e)
[docs] def make_column_types (self, df, node_id, data_dfconf_list): """ csv를 읽고 column type을 계산하여 data_conf에 저장(data_conf가 비어있을때 ) :param df: :param conf_data: """ try: data_conf, data_conf_unique_json =self.set_dataconf_for_checktype(df, node_id, data_dfconf_list ) data_conf_unique_cnt = self.make_unique_value_each_column(df,node_id) data_conf.update(data_conf_unique_cnt) dataconf_nodes = self._get_forward_node_with_type(node_id, 'dataconf') wf_data_conf_node = wf_data_conf(data_dfconf_list) if self.dataconf_first_time_check(wf_data_conf_node, node_id): self.set_default_dataconf_from_csv(wf_data_conf_node, node_id, data_conf) self.set_default_dataconf_from_csv(wf_data_conf_node, node_id, data_conf_unique_cnt) self.set_default_dataconf_from_csv(wf_data_conf_node, node_id, data_conf_unique_json) if self.dataconf_eval_time_check(wf_data_conf_node, node_id): self.set_default_dataconf_from_csv(wf_data_conf_node, node_id, data_conf_unique_json) return data_conf except Exception as e:"make column type Error {0} line no({1})".format(e, e.__traceback__.tb_lineno)) raise Exception(e)
[docs] def dataconf_first_time_check(self, _wf_data_conf_node, _node_name): """ data_conf가 비어있거나, DataNode일때만 업데이트 하도록 한다. :param data_dfconf_list (nn00001_1_dataconf_node) :return True: """ _value = False if (len(_wf_data_conf_node.cell_feature) == 0 or 'conf' not in _wf_data_conf_node.__dict__) and ('data_node' in _node_name): _value = True return _value
[docs] def dataconf_eval_time_check(self, _wf_data_conf_node, _node_name): """ data conf가 있어도, eval이면 unique값만 추가한다. :param data_dfconf_list (nn00001_1_dataconf_node) :return True: """ _value = False if ('evaldata' in _node_name): _value = True return _value
[docs] def make_unique_value_each_column (self, df, node_id): """ Dataframe중 범주형 데이터를 찾아서 유일한 값의 갯수를 반환한다 Unique Value return in Dataframe Args: params: * df : dataframe * node_id: nnid Returns: json Raises: """ try: data_conf = dict() column_cate_unique = dict() numerics = ['int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'float16', 'float32', 'float64'] for i, v in df.dtypes.iteritems(): if (str(v) not in numerics): # maybe need float column_cate_unique[i] = df[i].unique().size data_conf['unique_cell_feature'] = column_cate_unique data_conf_json_str = json.dumps(data_conf) data_conf_json = json.loads(data_conf_json_str) return data_conf_json except Exception as e: logging.error("make_unique_value_each_column error : {0}, {1}".format(i,v)) raise e
[docs] def set_default_dataconf_from_csv(self,wf_data_config, node_id, data_conf): """ :param wf_data_config, df, nnid, ver, node: :param conf_data: tfrecord 때문에 항상 타입을 체크하고 필요할때만 저장 """ # #TODO : set_default_dataconf_from_csv 파라미터 정리 필요 nnid = node_id.split('_')[0] ver = node_id.split('_')[1] data_node = "dataconf_node" wf_data_config.put_step_source(nnid, ver, data_node, data_conf)
[docs] def set_dataconf_for_checktype(self, df, node_id, data_dfconf_list): """ csv를 읽고 column type을 계산하여 data_conf에 저장(data_conf가 비어있을때 ) 카테고리 컬럼은 Unique 한 값을 구해서 cell_feature_unique에 넣어줌(Keras용) :param wf_data_config, df, nnid, ver, node: :param conf_data: """ try: #TODO : set_default_dataconf_from_csv 파라미터 정리 필요 data_conf = dict() data_conf_unique_v = dict() data_conf_col_unique_v = dict() data_conf_col_type = dict() numerics = ['int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'float16', 'float32', 'float64'] # Wdnn인경우 data_dfconf가 무조껀 한개만 존재 하므로 아래와 같은 로직이 가능 if len(data_dfconf_list) > 0: _wf_data_conf = wf_data_conf(data_dfconf_list) _cell_feature_unique = _wf_data_conf.cell_feature_unique if hasattr(_wf_data_conf, 'cell_feature_unique') else list() # 처음 입려할때 라벨벨류가 없으면 빈 리스트 넘김 for i, v in df.dtypes.iteritems(): # label column_dtypes = dict() column_unique_value = dict() if (str(v) in numerics): # maybe need float col_type = 'CONTINUOUS' columns_unique_value = list() else: col_type = 'CATEGORICAL' columns_unique_value = pd.unique(df[i].fillna('').values.ravel()).tolist() # null처리 해야함 column_dtypes['column_type'] = col_type origin_feature_unique = _cell_feature_unique[i].get('column_u_values') if (i in _cell_feature_unique) else list() combined_col_u_list = utils.get_combine_label_list(origin_feature_unique, columns_unique_value) column_unique_value['column_u_values'] = combined_col_u_list #읽어와서 추가되면 뒤에 붙여준다. data_conf_col_type[i] = column_dtypes data_conf_col_unique_v[i] = column_unique_value data_conf['cell_feature'] = data_conf_col_type data_conf_unique_v['cell_feature_unique'] = data_conf_col_unique_v data_conf_json_str = json.dumps(data_conf) #Json으로 바꿔줌 data_conf_json = json.loads(data_conf_json_str) data_conf_unique_json_str = json.dumps(data_conf_unique_v) data_conf_unique_json = json.loads(data_conf_unique_json_str) return data_conf_json, data_conf_unique_json except Exception as e: logging.error("set_dataconf_for_checktype {0} {1}".format(e, e.__traceback__.tb_lineno))
[docs] def set_dataconf_for_labels(self, df, label): """ csv를 읽고 label의 distict 값을 가져옴 Extract distinct label values :param wf_data_config, df, nnid, ver, node: :param conf_data: """ #TODO : set_default_dataconf_from_csv 파라미터 정리 필요 label_values = pd.unique(df[label].values.ravel().astype('str')).tolist() return label_values
def _set_progress_state(self): return None def _init_node_parm(self, key): """ Init parameter from workflow_data_frame :return: """ try : wf_data_frame = WorkFlowDataFrame(key) self.type = wf_data_frame.object_type self.data_sql_stmt = wf_data_frame.sql_stmt self.data_src_path = wf_data_frame.source_path self.data_src_type = wf_data_frame.src_type self.data_server_type = wf_data_frame.src_server self.data_preprocess_type = wf_data_frame.step_preprocess self.data_store_path = wf_data_frame.step_store self.sent_max_len = wf_data_frame.max_sentence_len self.multi_node_flag = wf_data_frame.multi_node_flag self.drop_duplicate = wf_data_frame.drop_duplicate self.combine_label_list = list() except Exception as e : raise Exception ("WorkFlowDataFrame parms are not set " + str(e))