Source code for api.views.runmanager_single_request

import json
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.views import APIView
from cluster.service.service_single_task import WorkFlowSingleTask
from cluster.service.service_single_task import single_run
from common.utils import *
import traceback
import coreapi

[docs]class RunManagerSingleRequest(APIView): # TODO:add document sample for swagger (need to update) coreapi_fields = ( coreapi.Field( name='flag', required=True, type='string', ), )
[docs] def post(self, request, nnid, ver, node): """ We can execute single node with this api you must specify nnid, ver and node name for that purpose --- # Class Name : RunManagerSingleRequest # Description: request single node to be executed """ try: #result = single_run.delay(nnid, ver, node) result = single_run(nnid, ver, node) return Response(json.dumps(result)) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() return_data = {"status": "404", "result": str(e)} return Response(json.dumps(return_data))
[docs] def get(self, request, nnid, ver, node): """ We can execute single node with this api you must specify nnid, ver and node name for that purpose --- # Class Name : RunManagerSingleRequest # Description: get status of single node (run, wait, done.. etc) """ try: return_data = "" return Response(json.dumps(return_data)) except Exception as e: return_data = {"status": "404", "result": str(e)} return Response(json.dumps(return_data))
[docs] def put(self, request, nnid, ver, node): """ We can execute single node with this api you must specify nnid, ver and node name for that purpose --- # Class Name : RunManagerSingleRequest # Description: edit status of single node """ try: return_data = "" return Response(json.dumps(return_data)) except Exception as e: return_data = {"status": "404", "result": str(e)} return Response(json.dumps(return_data))